Pig Iron making, in the Blast Furnace is generally discussed in terms of Coke or Carbon rates / THM.

Little is known why the BF's consume nearly double the stoichiometric Carbon.

Dr. PS Anand Prakash, has done intensive studies of the BF reactions & has come up with an unique solution for BF's.

Solidorff Polychemical as the name suggests is designed & perfected to achieve maximum failure of the Solution Loss Reaction (SLR) & Direct Reduction Reactions (DRR) in the BF directly resulting in lower Carbon / Coke rates up to 125 Kg / THM within 45 days of application.

Solidorff Polychemical acts as reaction filter or blocker between CO2 & C, extends its time, ultimately failing the SLR in the Thermal Reserve Zone.

The Coke so saved from SLR starts accumulating at the Tuyere & reaches a threshold limit and over the next few days, starts failing DRR, in the Bosh zone.

The following results are expected, within 45 days of application

  1.  Very High CO efficiency & Utilization

  2.  Entire furnace stabilizes with Indirect reduction

  3.  Heat Surplus in the hearth due to failure of DRR & SLR ( both are endothermic )

  4.  Carbon Surplus as the C recovered from DRR & SLR accumulate at the Tuyere

  5.  Increased Ore + Sinter volume for identical Coke batch

  6.  Increased BF productivity up to 20% to 25% at the same blast rates & blast temperature

  7.  Lower Slag Fe losses

  8.  Cohesive zones are nearly eliminated & BF hanging becomes a thing of the past

  9.  Extended TRZ by over 25 to 30%, reduction in Bosh zone volume by over 50 to 75%

  10.  Lesser volume of FeO undergoing DRR at Bosh

  11.  Highest & excellent furnace permeability

  12.  Lower Coke rates by Min. 50 Kg to 125 Kg / THM

  13.  Lower Specific CO2 per ton of Pig Iron produced

  14.  Consistently Sustainable condition of SLR & DRR failure in the furnace

  15.  No effect on Thermal Bricks as maximum heat is utilized by Slag & Hot metal

  16.  Furnace tapping time lowers

  17.  Increased Slag & Metal temperatures by over 100 to 125 deg C

  18.  No change in the BF exit gas temperatures

  19.  Solidorff is furnace neutral to RM, fluxes, Hot metal

BF's can work with lowest heat consumption & carbon consumption within 45 days of application, with highest productivity in the furnace.

BF's which are looking for Hydrogen adaptation can look at this solution & then can adapt Hydrogen solution.

Effectiveness of Solidorff : Can be established in the Lab, by testing C + O2 reaction blocking, which is 5 times more intense than CO2 + C reaction.

Coke rate reduction Contracts : We undertake BF Coke rate saving on contract & profit sharing basis.

Take only one decision to lower your coke rates & leave the rest to us.

Solidorff Polychemical Application

to lower 50 Kg to 125 Kg Coke / Carbon rates in the

Blast Furnaces

Interested in the Solidorff, Application ? Please Contact us