All Metal Oxides have very very high thermal resistance, means they have to be over heated in the furnace resulting in increased power consumption.

Thermal Resistance of Metallic Ores & Oxides can be lowered by Convex 30 chemical application at very low dosages, which brings about the following benefits

  1.  Decrease thermal resistance of metal ores by > 35%

  2.  Chemically cause increase in Convection zones & volume

  3.  Increase in hearth temperatures up to 400 deg C

  4.  Increase Slag & Metal tapping temperatures up to 300 to 350 deg C

  5.  Uniformity of Metal & Slag temperatures

  6.  Increased precious Metal recovery from Slag with increased Coke support for the purpose

  7.  Increased Production & Productivity of the furnace by Min 7% to 15%

  8.  Lower costs of production

  9.  Lower Specific CO2 due to lesser power consumption per ton of alloy

  10.  Lower Specific Power by Min. 7% to 15%

  11.  Results visibility in < 36 hours & complete results within 10 to 15 days

Other benefits : All increased temperatures are picked up by the Alloy, Slag, the furnace sidewall, bottom temperatures do not change.

Convex is neutral to the Raw Materials, Flux & has no effect other than increase rate of heat absorption or lowering of thermal resistance.

Best results for FeSi, FeMn, SiMn, FeCr, FeTi, FeMg etc.

Our Convex also performs. well with Electric Arc Furnaces. 

We also undertake performance based contracts on profit sharing basis.

Convex 30 Polychemical Application in

Submerged Arc Furnaces

Interested in the Convex 30, Application ? Please Contact us