Cement Rotary Kilns consuming Indian Coal varieties can use Firepower Chemicals at very low dosages to enhance the flame temperatures up to 80 deg C, lowering specific coal consumed.

Coals exhibit different auto ignition temperatures due to which the flame temperature composition is variable & is wavering.

Firepower Chemicals mixed in Indian Coals, exhibits the following characteristics

  1.  Coals heat up 150 deg C higher first & then reach ignition

  2.  Flame volume expansion in length, width

  3.  Contact time for Clinker to Flame heat increases

  4.  More uniform chemistry of Clinker, more roundness, more uniform liter weight

  5.  3% to 10% reduction in specific coal consumption ( identical GCV )

Cement Rotary kilns using Indian Coal can lower their Specific KCal / Kg Clinkeremploying our Firepower Chemical.

Raise flame temperatures by 80 to 120 deg C, through prevention of Boudouard Reaction during Combustion.

Min. 3 to 5% up to 12% Specific Kcal / Kg can be lowered.

Kiln O2 setting changes may be required.

Specific CO2 will lower per ton of Clinker through reduction of KCal / Kg Clinker.

We also undertake lower specific heat / Kg clinker, contracts on profit sharing basis.

For more details email :     projects@efficient-energy.tech     firepower@efficient-energy.tech

Firepower Polychemical Application

to lower 3% to 10% Indian Coal

for Cement Rotary Kilns

Interested in the Firepower CRK, Application ? Please Contact us