For over 150 to 175 years, Boiler 3T operations has been an elusive issue, now completely resolved by Dr. PS Anand Prakash.

Boiler 3T addresses the combustion Reaction Efficiency, which has not been covered in any syllabus or programs.

Boiler Operations Mastery Course, by Dr. PS Anand Prakash, covers Your Operating Boiler Design, Installation, Air, Fuel, Water, Steam, Right Boiler Operations, Issue detection & Correction.

Look at the issues faced commonly in Boiler Types irrespective of the Boiler OEM / Operations personnel.

Issues common for Manual Fired Boiler : Grate Bending, Tube sagging, Tube punctures, Soot depositions, Clinker formations, Lower Steaming Capacity, Higher Coal or Biomass consumption, Increased LOI, UBC, High Thermal Efficiency, Lesser or Lower Boiler Efficiency

Issues common for Stoker / Spreader Stoker Coal / Biomass Fired Boilers : Grate Bending, Tube sagging, Tube punctures, Soot depositions over the tubes, Erosion, Clinker formations, Lower Steaming Capacity, Higher Coal or Biomass consumption, Steam pressure or temperature instability, Increased LOI, UBC, High Thermal Efficiency, Lesser or Lower Boiler Efficiency

Issues common for FBC / AFBC, Coal / Biomass Fired Boilers : Frequent Tube punctures, Soot depositions over the tubes, High Erosion, Clinker formations, Instability in Steaming TPH, Steam Pressure, Steam Temperature, Higher Coal or Biomass consumption, Higher Steam consumption per MW, O2 variations in Stack, unstable Furnace Draft, frequent replacement of Bed material, Increased LOI, UBC, High Thermal Efficiency, Lesser or Lower Boiler Efficiency

Issues common for CFBC Coal Fired Boilers : High Erosion, Clinker formations, Steaming TPH, Steam Pressure, Steam Temperature instability, Higher Steam consumption per MW, Higher Coal consumption, Steam Pressure or Temperature instability, O2 variations in Stack, unstable Furnace Draft, frequent replacement of Bed material, Increased LOI, UBC, High Thermal Efficiency, Lesser or Lower Boiler Efficiency

Issues common for PF, PC Boilers : Tube Erosion, Incomplete Flame formation, Clinker formations, Steaming TPH, Steam Pressure, Steam Temperature instability, Higher Steam consumption per MW, Higher Coal consumption, O2 variations in Stack, unstable Furnace Draft, Higher LOI, UBC, High Thermal Efficiency, Lesser or Lower Boiler Efficiency

Most of the above consistent & persistent issues are result of mismatching Boiler Design / Installation, Operations & can be addressed by Boiler 3T Mastery Course.

Efficiency calculations often compromise upon the real picture of Boiler Efficiency while giving lot of weightage to Thermal Efficiency. Often Boiler Efficiency is calculated backwards & GCV corrected to accommodate lesser Boiler Efficiency. When the Boiler is Operated in 3T, these corrections & adjustments are no more necessary as the Boiler will perform well.

Some Interesting Facts :

  1.   Carbon Reaction Efficiency is the most important factor & has to be addressed properly

  2.   Boiler Efficiency & Thermal Efficiencies are quite different & not the same 

  3.   Thermal Efficiency is part of Boiler Efficiency & not an independent parameter by itself

  4.   To get a real picture, it is important to assess Boiler & Thermal Efficiencies side by side

  5.   High Thermal Efficiency Boilers also end up having lower / much lesser Boiler Efficiencies if the Combustion          reactions are not handled properly

  6.   Lesser or Lower LOI / UBC does not qualify the Boiler is Operating at higher Boiler Efficiency

  7.   Lesser or Lower O2 at Stack does not quality the Boiler is Operating at higher Boiler Efficiency

  8.  Boiler Consultants, Experienced Personnel are unable to resolve the problems & the problems keep repeating as a continuous circle

  9.   The Boiler fans can be set in 27 different & unique combinations & only one combination is the 3T setting 

  10.   Boiler 3T course is the right solution for your Boiler personnel to bridge the knowledge base and the right way to operate the Boiler in the 27th condition.

What is the Boiler 3T Mastery Course offered by Dr. PS Anand Prakash :

3T is Turbulence, Time & Temperature, which has to be corrected to Turbulence, Time & Space & Temperature. These parameters govern the reaction conditions of Carbon & Oxygen.

Incorrect operational settings / conditions lead to increased endothermic Boudouard Reaction, draining the energy of the fuel & the Boiler ends up in higher Thermal Efficiency with a Low Boiler Efficiency. Means this boiler consumes excessive fuel for years together if not corrected.

Dr. PS Anand Prakash, has developed the 3T algorithm, tested & tried in over 100 Boilers with 97% resulting in saving 8% to 22% fuel, just by bringing the Boiler to the 27th Operating condition.

Our course covers all Boiler topics of Boiler Design, Installation, Air, Fuel, Water, Steam, Issue detection & correction.

The Course is offered to Organizations where Knowledge & Expertise is more important, who can use it to lower their fuel consumption.

The ROI is in general within 60 to 90 days & the Client gets to benefit the fuel saving for the rest of the life of the Boiler.

Client Benefits of Boiler 3T tuning in 97% of the cases : When the Boiler is operated in 3T it is the perfect operating condition, where furnace draft is achieved automatically, along with all other parameters being stabilized

Manual Fired Boilers : Grate bending eliminated, Soot depositions lower by 80%, black smoke reduction by over 80%, Clinker formation is lesser by 90%, fuel saving by Min. 8 to 15%

Stoker Boilers :  Grate bending eliminated, Soot & ash depositions lower by over 85%, Clinker formation reduced by over 85%, LOI, UBC lowered, improved Steam TPH, increased stability of Steam Temperature, Steam Pressure, lower fuel consumption up to 3% to 12%, tube punctures lowered by over 75%

FBC / AFBC Boilers : Excessive erosion brought down to bare minimum, clinker formations eliminated, soot depositions minimized, Furnace draft stability, Steam Temperature, Pressure, TPH stabilized, lower fuel consumption by Min. 5% to 14%, lowest LOI, UBC

CFBC Boilers : Excessive erosion brought down to bare minimum, clinker formations eliminated, soot depositions minimized, Furnace draft stability, Steam Temperature, Pressure, TPH stabilized, lower fuel consumption by Min. 5% to 14%, lowest LOI, UBC

PC / PF Boilers : Flame ball diameter stability, highest flame temperatures, much lesser fuel consumption, lower LOI, UBC

Personal Level of the Trainee : Knows the best way to handle the Reaction Efficiency of the Boiler, can trouble shoot well for any anomaly in Operations & take permanent steps, knows what is wrong with the operations & correct it immediately, can select the right fuel type for the Boiler.

Who should be trained : All Personnel connected to Boiler Operations

Course : 30 days to 45 days

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Boiler 3T Mastery Course

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